Fixed a number of unintended locations where players could build.This is a feature currently in testing only on Testlive official servers. Fixed a number of false positives in the anti-undermesh measures.Fixed an issue that would allow stacking bonuses on thralls.Fixed a number of exploits that would allow players to have infinite stamina.Fixed a number of exploits that would allow a quick succession of attacks under certain circumstances.Fixed a performance issue while playing the intro cut-scene on certain AMD hardware.Added a number of server side and client side optimizations, especially in regards of the building system.Improved loading times when connecting to a server.So players will need to get used to this new healing rebalance if they want to gain levels much quicker. Gaining XP is much more attractive now, as XP gained from feats has been nerfed. Previously, food and drink offered players some health restoration, but moving forward, players will need dedicated healing items to refill their HP, such as bandages or potions. Players in PVP or PVE will notice that their health is a much more precious resource now. diminishing returns.Combat changes are another big deal. Currently in game, the better the Armorer thrall stationed at your Armorer's_Bench, the more thermal protection is boosted upon crafting armor pieces.Īrmor in Conan Exiles follows a non-linear curve with a negative second derivative, meaning the more armor one puts on the less return in damage reduction one will get a.k.a. The game may display pips for Heat and Cold protections, but they're not exact values in any regard, and there is conflicting info on the wiki in its current state. The Equipment Insulation system got revamped and there's a lackluster amount of info presented in-game on it.

Equipment from DLC packs are not exclusive to owning said packs, being able to be dropped for or looted by other players to use.